Yksi loistavista jutuista kaikkeen viljelyyn ja myös saastuneen maaperän puhdistamiseen liittyen. 100% myrkytön, erilaisista kasviuutteista saaduista aineksista jotenkin ilmeisen high techisti koottu saippuamainen aines joka veteen sekoitettuna ja suihkutettuna tai kasteluveden mukana `nautittuna´ edistää kasvien hyvinvointia käsittämättömällä tavalla.
–Lisää juurten kasvua ja siten veden ja ravinteiden saantia. (Cationic Exchange Stimulant; edesauttaa ravintoaineiden, mineraalien ja veden pääsyä juuriin ja niitä pitkin kasvin käytettäväksi )
–Lisää BRIX arvoa eli jotain sokeriarvoa kasvissa,, tämä voimistaa fotosynteesiä tai on sen ominaisuuden aikaansaannosta. Tällöin kasvi myös kestää paremmin; ei sairauksia ja ötökät syö mielummin muualla.
-Omaa adjuvanttisia ominaisuuksia ja on pinta-aktiivinen aines eli surfaktantti/tensidi, eli voidaan sekoittaa esim lannoitteen kanssa ja siten parempaan kasvuun tarvitaan vähemmän lannoitetta…. koska biowashin kanssa se liukenee paremmin ja muuttuu kasville vastaanotettavampaan muotoon.
–Parantaa hallankestävyyttä.
–Parantaa esimerkiksi vihannesten ja hedelmien säilyvyyttä.
-Ja mikä ehkä olennaisimpana, Lisää kasvatettujen ruoka-kasvien ravintoainepitoisuuksia!
– Toimii myös mikäli niin haluaa ainetta hyödyntää, 100% myrkyttömänä ja hyvin toimivana yleispuhdistusaineena.
Double the Efficacy of your Liquid Fertilizers
Recently, an excited fertilizer producer visited me at 1st #EnviroSafety, Inc.
He had tested and confirmed that #BioWash Soil Amendment has immediately visible benefits on growth and yields. But his excitement was the result of adding a small amount of BioWash to his fertilizer.
He was astounded by the results. Adding #BioWash had tripled the normal results of his #fertilizer! ….read more
Biowash Fertilizer Booster -video
http://www.fertilizerboosters.com/ :
What is BioWash?
Because BioWash produces results that mimic chemical fertilizers and insecticides, it may be helpful to first talk about what BioWash is not:
BioWash is not a fertilizer and it does not completely replace fertilizer, despite the fact that, with its use, growers experience phenomenal plant growth and yields.
BioWash does, however, help you use less fertilizer. The use of less fertilizer means less chemical runoff into water sources and reduced exposure to the health hazards of those products. Applying less fertilizer also means less cost to growers.
BioWash is not an insecticide, despite the fact that its application reduces insect damage.
BioWash does, however, increase BRIX (sugar) production in plants. Because many insects cannot effectively digest sugar they look elsewhere for a meal. The outcome is less need for insecticides, less introduction of chemicals into the ecosystem and reduced cost to the grower.
As a by-product of Increased sugar production, plants also become more frost and freeze tolerant (down to 27° Fahrenheit), providing added crop protection during cold snaps. More plant sugar also means sweeter, better tasting vegetable produce and fruit, which translates to higher profits.
So just what is BioWash? The simple answer is that it’s a fertilizer booster on steroids….but it’s much, much more than that……
* BioWash is a natural blend of 99.9% processed extracts of natural plants (phyto-chemicals) and is completely biodegradable.
* BioWash contains no carcinogenic chemicals. It is not hazardous to human health nor does it do anything to degrade the environment.
* Through the process of Cationic Exchange, BioWash stimulates natural growth defenses of plants at the cellular level, encouraging increased root size which allows more efficient uptake of nutrients and moisture to stalks and leaves, improving stamina in the plant. Stronger plants mean more abundant harvests which translate to higher profits. Growers are enjoying generous financial rewards while feeding millions of people world-wide.
* Compared to costly fertilizers and insecticides, BioWash is exceptionally cheap… in the price range of fine quality soaps. Because BioWash contains no harmful chemicals there are no governmental regulations to deal with when using it, making it very attractive to large commercial farmers.
How Did It Begin?
The BioWash phenomenon happened quite by accident. It began in 1997 when Dr. Ted Tidwell of Pine Island Florida became aware that cancer causing chemicals in common household cleaners were one cause of the epidemic of cancer and other debilitating diseases. He embarked on a quest to develop a carcinogen free cleaning solution. It took five, often discouraging years of research and testing but he finally developed a gentle yet highly effective carcinogen-free cleaner/degreaser.
Then, two events happened. A California orange grower used it to wash dust from his tree leaves and enjoyed an enormous increase in yields. Aware of that experience, a Miami mango tree owner washed his mango tree leaves. His yield soared from about 50 mangos the previous season to over 800. He photographed the results and the world took notice.
As the news spread, Dr. Tidwell began receiving reports of sensationally increased yields of produce such as beans, citrus, corn, mangos, melons, papayas, peppers, soy, tomatoes and wheat, after BioWashing the crops. In addition, growers reported their plants displayed a natural resistance to insects and diseases. They also reported that BioWashed plants were showing amazing resistance to frost and freezing conditions.
It became apparent that BioWash is NOT a fertilizer but stimulates the electro-magnetic interaction between plant roots and nutrient ions in the soil. Agronomists describe the process as “Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). BioWash benefits include:
1. Up to triple previous root sizes
2. Spectacular, hardier growth
3. Increased photosynthesis
4. Faster maturity
5. Earlier yields
6. Documented yield increases, ranging from 20% to 1,500%
7. Increased sugar content (BRIX) up to 50%
8. Natural insect resistance due to increased sugar
9. Increased nutritional content
10. Added freeze and frost resistance
11. Extends freshness via neutralization of ethylene (ripening) gas
12. Reduces fertilizer costs
13. Reduces insecticide costs
14. Reduces exposure to hazardous chemicals
15. Reduces need for protective gear and clothing
16. Reduces risk of toxic chemical drift to neighboring properties
17. Reduces risk of successful employee “toxic chemical” lawsuits
18. Translates to higher, worry-free profits
Today, thousands of growers from all around the world are enjoying this “accidental phenomenon”. Large farm owners and home gardeners on every continent are ecstatic because they have finally found the solution to reducing the use of environmentally harmful fertilizers and insecticides while greatly increasing yields, nutrients and profits.